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Friday, November 11, 2011

75 minute workout...Oh yeah

So today.....
Got up, drank two glasses of water and a cup of coffee. Made a protein pancake with no banana because I knew i had a special fruity treat for me later in the day.
Then i went to start my 75 minute workout.
Did the rush workout, pop cardio HIIT workout, stairs workout, arm workout, ab circuit, booty workout, and then went and got ready to go to Costco and ate a few of the little treats and samples they had. But i did look at ingredients before i tried them and aimed for the meats, greek yogurt, and hummus samples. Then i got the Costco berry smoothie ($1.45) (200 cal, 49 carbs) Yeah......lots of carbs but who cares. its fruit.
Got home and did the best ab circuit from tone it up...and won a giveaway from
Will post pics when i get it!
So excited!
My first giveaway i've ever won! Its only healthy treats and snacks, but I'm thankful!
Had some organic chips, carrots, and tomatoes with red pepper hummus for dinner!
Drinking water now!
Have a good weekend!


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