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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Quick post

This morning, of course, had Greek yogurt with cinnamon and stevia! (If you haven't tried it yet, DO IT NOW)
Lots of water.
Coffee. (Yum) In three or 4 hours, i get more!
Seriously, coffee is good. Or maybe I just like the idea of relaxing with a cup of a black, warm, cup of liquid. I don't know.

Then I went to do Blogilates POP cardio HIIT workout. Its crazy. I used to hate burpees, but they are so awesome now. Hardcore.
Then I did a HIIT routine (8 moves, 1 minute) CRAZY INTENSE.
Then arm workout.
I was pretty darn pooped by the end of that.
Ready to run tomorrow. 7 or 8 miles tomorrow afternoon. Maybe morning. Not sure yet.

Just finished eating a ThinkThin bar. I love it because it uses natural ingredients, no added sugars or syrups, and has 20g of protein. Try one, if you haven't.

4 days till Christmas...holy cow


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