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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Have not posted in a while...

Last week I was busy and was having family time. Still fitted in some workouts.
Now its a new week!! So lets get started!
Sunday I ran 6 miles, and it was great because I hadn't ran in over a week.
Lastnight, I was planning on HIIT workouts and some toning workouts, but instead I went running 5 miles with my dad:) Its going to be raining this week, so I thought I oughta get another run in!

No more school, so I'm going to be working out more each day
So follow along and stay motivated!

Also....the best thing for breakfast is plain Greek yogurt with 0% fat....sprinkle cinnamon and steviain it...HEAVEN!

Also, be checking my fashion blog out on this link. My posts will be put up starting January 1st!


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