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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Runday Tuesday

I just blasted 4 miles of running.
What I did:
Ran my first two miles- pushing harder, running faster, breathing harder and quicker, yes, it was uncomfortable...
But you know what? Uncomfortable exercise is good. You have to push yourself, make yourself feel like you accomplished a great feel the satisfaction, knowing no matter what, that you did something harder than you ever did. It was challenging...but the whole time i was running i kept thinking "What is the point of life and dreams if we never have challenges layed out before us...?" kept me going, knowing that my life is so much more meaningful if i know that i can overcome a challenge.
CHallenge yourself.
Thats your challenge.
Just a few....3 maybe...weeks left before THANKSGIVING.
Go ahead, take a couple of weeks and try something harder, newer, uncomfortable, and do it.
Ate tons of veggies, protein, and hummus for dinner.
I'm challenging myself to drink 3 glasses of water before bed.


Hannahthewhaaaat said...

challenge yourself to make many restroom visits after all that water.

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