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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Where did I go?

Monday...i rocked out and exercised really well.
Tuesday...i did a workout and then ran 2 miles.
WED-FRI i did not feel good and did nothing.
But........Alll week I have been eating 1200 calories. The days I didnt exercise, I ate so goooooooooood! I feel amazing!
Today though...was great.
I ran for 1 hr and 30 min , stopped every now and then. I mostly had to stop because my feet were hurting. I HAVE TO GET NEW SHOES. Thinking about the NEWBALANCE 890 or the Lunar Glide...
Anyway, now i'm eating this.
And its sooooooooooo good. I was hesitant to bite into it but its so YUMMY!
And Starbucks is having buy one get one free on their hot Christmas drinks.
I got the skinny peppermint mocha and received a free one.
Its 2-5pm and ends tomorrow.
Go get something! Make sure you run first!


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