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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Healthy hot cocoa...okay, not all the way healthy.

Ever want some hot chocolate but its too sugary, you don't have any, and you want it creamier?
Christmas-y Hot Cocoa

1 cup cup almond milk
handful of mini marshmallows(not to munch on!!)
a mini pack of stevia or however sweet you want it
spoonful of cocoa powder (Unsweetened)
spoonful of vanilla protein powder
1/2 tsp of brown sugar and maple syrup

In a small sauce pan, (above Med. heat) add half of the almond milk and half a handful of mini marshmallows. Once those marshmallows are in melting form, ad the rest of the ingredients. Let it simmer and start getting into a good chocolate-y form. Yum. Then, take your blender, pour the liquid in the blender, liquefy/puree the mixture for about 20-30 seconds. You judge. Then it should be very frothy. Pour back in the sauce pan, the rest of the almond milk and rest of marshmallows. Should start becoming thick and delish:) Let it sit on the stove for a couple more minutes. Pour in mug and drink!

Make sure you drink your water tonight too!



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